Friday, November 02, 2007

toilet don't fall...

We have been noticing that the tiles around our toilet seem to be getting more broken. Last night I decided to investigate... The toilet visually appears to be sitting a little lower than the surrounding floor and the tiles around it are all broken. I pulled one part of a broken tile away and the wood under it was soggy. This is not good. I called Bobbie and she gave me the number of a workman who was supposed to come out today. But, then my mom got sick and had to cancel that. The plan was that he would be able to come out next Thursday and actually do the work. He needs to get under the house and see how much of the subfloor in the bathroom needs to be replaced. He also does plumbing and I'm hoping that the leak in the toilet, and there must be a leak somewhere in the bowl, is just a bad wax seal that can be replaced easily and not something wrong with the pipes.

Last night we went out to Lowes and Home Depot and found matching bathroom tiles at Home Depot. If only part of the floor needs to be replaced, we can just use these tiles. If the whole floor needs to be replaced, I'm putting down hex tiles, even if it costs a bit more, as that is what I really want in the bathroom and if I'm having to re-tile it, why not put in what I really want.

The good news is that if this guy actually comes and and does the job he might be able to do some other odd jobs like finally hanging the living room light and replacing the bad subfloor where the water heater was in the kitchen.

In the meantime, I'm just crossing my fingers that the bad wood does hold and the toilet doesn't end up in the crawl space...

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