Monday, November 05, 2007

old enemies- chickweed and onions

The cooler weather has brought a return visit from two of my old enemies... chickweed and wild onions. I got up early this AM and spent a little time out in the yard. Nothing looked like it needed to be watered, so I spent some time weeding the pansies in front of the camellias and the area around the Generale and Ayesha. I am upset at how much chickweed is already growing through the mulch and I have a major patch of onions on the edge of the pansy border.

There is so much I want to/need to do on the house, but I just don't know where to start or where I will find the money to do everything. The bathroom mess is probably going to take all the money I had saved up for insulation. I had really hoped I'd be getting the house insulated next week, now I'm looking at maybe in a month, but I'll have a much bigger gas bill then, which will cut into the money I would have been able to set aside. Plus, this month I have to pay the water bill, which seems to be about the same as the previous times, so my watering doesn't seem to be making much of a difference. Still, that is money that COULD have been set aside for insulation, but instead has to go to other things.

The weather report is calling for another freeze overnight on Tuesday, so I will have to get up early tomorrow and try to harvest the last of the peppers, as some of my plants are too big to try to bring inside and it really is getting on to winter. The eggplant already is looking like it is feeling the effects of the cold. I'm off all this coming weekend, so I think I will use that time to clean up the garden, dump the rest of the summer annuals and veggies and try to finally plant the Debutante camellia. This is starting to be a repeat of the Margaret Davis situation, where I planned to plant her for months before I actually got the job done. I also need to dig a few holes to sink my remaining unplanted 1 gallon hydrangea pots into the ground for the winter. Speaking of hydrangeas, I moved Buttons N Bows over into the shade border to try to keep whatever has been digging in its pot away. I'm still thinking it is a squirrel.

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