Sunday, April 27, 2008

where's my rain?

medium tortoiseThe forcast had been for rain Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday, so I didn't really make plans for the yard this weekend as I figured it would be raining. Saturday came and no rain, so after running some errands in the morning, including a trip the Farmer's Market where I came away with two very cute little folk art tortoises made out of small clay pots and saucers, I had to hit the yard. I had also gotten 2 pots of purple fountain grass, some lilies and a pincushion flower.

pin cushion flower bloomsI planted a 4 pack of vinca in front of the newly planted 'Double Pink' hydrangea. They are white with a red/pink eye and I hope they will do better in this area than the impatiens did last year. The pincushion flower went into the front corner of the left hand side of the perennial bed. A red lily went in front of the Joe Pye Weed, where I hope their far apart flowers schedules will allow each to hide the other in turn. An already podded up 'Stargazer' lily went in to the left hand side of the bed where the mallow had grown last year. One pot of fountain grass went in between the Tea Olive and Japanese Beautyberry. It looks good for now but may prove to be a little crowded and there might not be room there next year. I also repotted the Carolina Jessamine to a 3 gallon pot. I still haven't decided where I'm going to plant it, but it seems fine in a pot for now.

As there was no rain yet, but lots of thunder, and I had a bunch of freshly planted plants, I watered the back yard. Just as I was finishing, it started to rain. In all, we got about 1/2" yesterday (Saturday) then an additional 1/4" inch today (Sunday). Saturday night we went out to eat and I got very sick while at the restaurant and got extremely sick at the mall. I was still not feeling well today, so I didn't get much done or feel like doing much.

I pulled some more plantain weeds today, they are taking over huge sections of my yard. I really need to try to seed in some grass, but I just can't seem to stick with a watering schedule. Speaking of grass, it badly needs to be cut. The guy who cut it for me this year has a new job and hasn't been doing as much yard work. Today he called and gave me another name, the boyfriend of one of my mom's former co-workers and that guy will be out Wednesday AM. That is great, as it was almost to cutting it with the string trimmer time.

Tumbling Tom tomatoThe tomatoes I am hardening off are doing well. I also finally have some sprouts of the 'Ananas Noir' tomoatoes. However, I am really running out of room under the lights. I have a few small potted tomatoes from the first round of seed starting and they may have to start hardening off soon. I currently have flowers on Tumbling Tom, Husky Cherry Red, Early Girl and Cherokee Purple. I may have seen the beginnings of flowers on German Pink as well.

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