Wednesday, April 09, 2008

grass seeded

I finished pulling enough weeds this morning to finally decide to seed in the grass along the side of the house. I watered it with the sprinkler for about 30 minutes while I weeded other parts of the yard. The plan is to water it 15 minutes a day every day (except when raining) for a few months until it really gets growing, then switch to watering every 2-3 days.

Parts of the yard are pretty dry, so I also ran the sprinkler on the veggies by the gate and the plants in the border there, and then back along the back with the camellias and azaleas.

My hostas are coming up, which is good. I saw some encouraging signs on the 'Masja' hydrangea today, so maybe all is not lost. I'm now worried about the small potted 'Penny Mac' I got from Park Seed last year. It was leafing out, but the frost near the end of March got those leaves. It has a few other starts of leaves but I can't tell if they are coming or going and the edges look damaged.

The tomato seedlings are too leggy, but they are also trying to put out their first true leaves. Once they have a few true leaves, I'm planning to start transitioning them to growing outside. Still only have 1 'Ponderosa' sprout per cup, but I'm going to try to start some more seeds.

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