Wednesday, April 16, 2008

survived the frost, we hope

I went out last night and covered all the hydrangeas (except 'Mini Penny' as I discovered this AM) for the night. We did have some frost last night, not much but enough that I'm glad I covered the hydrangeas. At 8:30 AM this morning, I was back outside uncovering them before it started to warm up. I also covered the ginger lilies and the lilies of the valley but didn't cover the hostas. So far it looks like everything did well.

ranunculusI gave the yard a good watering, as once again it had gotten pretty dry. I repotted 'Husky Cherry Red' into a larger container, then planted the red bell pepper and one of the roma tomatoes and finally got the purple ranunculus planted in the left hand side of the perennial bed.

There is TONS of work to do and I was really wishing I could have stayed out in the yard all day instead of going to work! I am hoping that I will be able to get Tom to come help me on Friday, as I need to get the giant azalea Bobbie gave me planted and I'd love to move the big pieris. We also decided that a walk gate on the other side fence was really a necessity, as it is a real pain to be constantly trooping through the house.

I did get some good pictures today:

pink ranunculus:

red ranunculus:

new azalea from Bobbie:
new azalea

'Peppermint' hydrangea flower opening:
hydrangea 'Peppermint'

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