Wednesday, September 26, 2007

planted Ami and So Sweet

Today is the day I work nights, so I had a little time to work in the yard this morning. I watered the back yard but decided to hold off on the front yard due to time and the fact that the pots still seemed okay. I am really going to have to get out and water the hollies tomorrow as I am currently wondering if I watered them on Sunday...

morning glories

The mosquito spray did seem to have helped the bug situation, as I could actually work in the shade border. I think I will spray along the side of the house next as there were a lot of bugs in that area today. One of my co-workers suggested spraying under the house where I have seen standing water, I might try that as well. I would have NO problems with killing all the bugs under my house, just don't want the spray to drift up into the house. Maybe I'll spray and we can all go off somewhere for a few hours.

hydrangea Ami PasquierI got Ami planted in the shade border, but did run into a big root that runs along the left and front side of the planting hole. This was WAY too large to cut with the loppers, so I had to leave it. I also ended up with Ami a bit closer to the fence than ideal but also due to tree roots, I wonder if she will grow to the largest size, as there will be root competition in the area. Hope not too much root competition. I cut one catalpa branch down and it looked like she was getting a lot of filtered sun. The next hydrangea planted will be Gentian Dome, that will be to the left of Ami right up along the side fence. Again, I'll have some tree roots to deal with in the area. I also have found a spot where one variegata would look nice, but there may be too many roots. There is a second location that I could try that I think might be almost TOO shady, but that will have to wait until frost finishes off my perilla. I am hoping that I might be able to get the Generale planted this weekend, but clearing the area for him is going to be some work due to the vines, tree stumps and remains of poison ivy. I'm going to need help from my mom.

hosta So SweetMy last project for the day was to plant one of my new hostas, So Sweet. I dug up the little Julie Mross that had been planted in front of the backyard nandina and planted So Sweet there instead. I dug out a bunch of roots, so hopefully I didn't injure the nandina, but they are also pretty tough. Based on what I've read, I think the So Sweet I have is close to full size. It fits the space well right now, and has a bit of room to grow back toward the nandina, but not a ton. It looks good skirting the nandina, as I am still working on pruning it to make it fuller at the bottom and the majority of the shrub is actually in my neighbor's yard.

My mom took a bunch of rooted coleus to work for her co-workers and I still have two Silver Thymes that might be rooted and the two Julie Mross hostas to give away as well. The baby hydrangea cutting seem to be doing well inside their plastic bags. I've got to read online and see how often I should give them some air and re-mist them. I've moved the rooted baby Fuji outside full time and I think I'm going to relocate it into the nursery bed where it will spend the winter (I'm going to bury the pot in the nursery bed). I am going to try to put the other Fuji cutting into a rooting mixture as well. It has started to grow roots in the water, but just doesn't seem to be making much progress. The longest root hasn't grown in a while and a few other roots are just starting to break out of the stem. Maybe it will actually get growing in the rooting mix.

I came home to work today to quite a surprise. It seemed like the grass in my front yard had been mowed. I know my mom said one of her co-workers mows lawns for a reasonable price. Turns out he had come over after work and mowed my front and back yard. I can't believe how my back yard looked and this was in the dark. It actually looked like a real lawn or something back there. It looks great! I have got to get a lawn mower...

Shade border this AM: hydrangea Endless Summer, hosta So Sweet, impatiens (in front of hosta), perilla, ewe (behind) and a pot of pennyroyal.
shade border/>

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