Sunday, September 09, 2007

hot out in the sun

Did not do as much yard work as I would have liked today. I started out by weedeating the front yard, which is always tiring. I seem to have some horrid weed growing in the front yard, so I weeded around my daylilies, which I could barely see anymore. The Mattie Mae Maxwells have put out some new growth, along with the Chorus Lines, so there is a chance I might get some fall flowers, as both are supposed to be rebloomers.

I did do a big watering on the whole yard. I was going to try to plant my new 'Striptease' hosta, but the area I wanted to plant it in was FULL of mosquitos. Don't know when they will go away. I'm a tad concerned about my brand new 'Tortilla Chip' hosta as some of its leaves seem to be dying already. Of course, this heat and drought are forcing hostas into early dormancy. My in ground hostas aren't looking too great.

I did a touch more work on the shrub border. I pulled up all the grass between the Japanese beautyberry and the loropetalum and filled that area in with mulch. I need to do the same thing between the beautyberry and the flying dragon. Speaking of the dragon, today I think I saw an orange on the dragon! It still has a way to go, but then I'm not sure how you can tell when bitter oranges are ripe, since they aren't really something you can eat.

I may go check out Country Boys to see if they have any fall veggies in, as I did want to try to grow a few fall veggies. A few of my Tom tomatos are ripening now, so I may have a few of them again. I also saw a bunch more flowers on my bell peppers, so pepper season isn't over yet.

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