Thursday, December 13, 2007

dishwasher installed

We now have a working dishwasher installed in our kitchen. We also have THREE working electrical outlets, instead of the one we have been making due with. One additional outlet was installed above the dishwasher and the outlet next to the stove that has never previously worked was reactivated. The dishwasher and two outlets are all hooked into the mystery panel under the house, which Neil says is safe.

My mom has done one full load of dishes so far. The leak in the sink drain is also supposedly fixed, so we are going to moniter that situation. If it is fixed, then we can remove the bucket and actually have some more storage space under the sink. There is still work to be done in the kitchen, as I need to figure out what I'm going to do about filling the space between the dishwasher and the wall and we still need to install an additional piece of countertop. Neil is going to come back out next week to work on the living room light and the outdoor outlet and I'm going to see if he can do the countertop at the same time, assuming I can find what I need a Lowes or Home Depot. I am pretty much running out of money for this project (not like I really had the money for it in the first place) but now that it is most of the way through I really need to finish it out.

In garden news, my Debutante camellia is blooming. I figure it is only blooming so early because I bought it from the nursery already heavily budded.

Debutante camellia

1 comment:

Weathervane said...

I'm so relieved mom has the dishwasher going. I've got a sink-full I can drop-off. Boy, I won't be eating off those paper plates anymore—they get pretty limp the third and fourth time around.

The blooms in the garden look good. I'll be by tomorrow with my garden shears. They'll make a real nice display here at the house.

Okay, okay, who else would leave a comment like this except a friend of your mom's?