Saturday, December 15, 2007

burying wire, re-caulking

I went to a Christmas party this morning, so my work on the house did not start until the afternoon. First up was a trip to Lowes to get some supplies (always need MORE things...). I got a 2 x 2 piece of particleboard that will serve as a temporary counter over the dishwasher until I get a piece of countertop and have it patched in there.

dishwasher making progressThe wires for the new outlet above the dishwasher have been exposed and driving me crazy. Plus, I realized that having the wires on top of the wall would prevent any countertop from fitting up against the wall. So, a major plan for the day was to figure out how to bury the wires. I found out I could cut into the drywall, stick the wires down below the level of the drywall, then patch over it. I had to buy some new heavy duty blades for my utility knives, but I was able to get the drywall cut. There is a little twist to this, as typically when you cut back through the drywall, you would run into the empty space between the studs. In our case, the drywall in the kitchen was put up over existing beadboard, so the wires did not have a very big area. I ran into some problems when I was trying to put on the patch and finally figured out how to bend the wires so they fit in their little trough and was able to patch over the area pretty well. It did necessitate a second trip out to Lowes in the late afternoon, as I had not purchased patching material earlier, not knowing how big a hole I'd end up with. Once I got the wires bent, I was able to get the patches up with a bunch of spackle and left them to dry overnight.

My final project for the day was to do something about some poorly caulked areas. I bought a caulk removing tool and a caulk smoothing tool. I was able to get rid of almost all the old caulk on the left hand side of the sink. While I was at it, I got rid of some old wallpaper still hanging in there as well. I did manage to peel off a little paint but since I am painting the area where I patched the wall, that is not a big deal. I also removed the caulk from around the bathroom sink, which again took off a little of the paint.

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