Wednesday, October 24, 2007

third straight day of rain

Today is the third straight day of rain we have had. As of this morning, there had not been enough rain to register in the gauge, but it has drizzled off and on all day. Due to the light rain and fighting a cold, I didn't really do anything before work today. I think the zinnias are just about done for. I cut down some of the dead looking stalks. I still have a few flowers, but I think I will be dumping them soon too.

This weekend I will be in GA for three days and next weekend I've found something I want to do in NC on Sunday, but I am "on call" at work on Saturday, so I have to stay in the area. I think next Saturday I will work on the long overdue task of dumping the summer annuals out of their pots and getting my pots ready for winter. I will keep the veggies in as long as they are alive and have developing veggies. Anything that doesn't have a veggie on it needs to get dumped as well. I have a few peppers that are ripening, so I might get a small final pepper harvest and also may get one or two more cherry tomatoes.

I need get an ice cube tray, cut back my basil and make some more pesto, this time storing it in smaller bits so it will be easier to defrost just what can be used in a reasonable amount of time.

The really bad news from the yard today is that my one yew REALLY looks like it is dying down. For a while it was just brown in the middle of each limb, now most of the limbs are brown the entire length. I am totally at a loss for what to do and out of time right now to do anything. I am actually considering going out and digging it up when I get home from work at 9:30 PM then having my mom try to take it to Underwoods tomorrow to see if they can give any insight into the problem. I will be really sad if this plant doesn't make it. Not only is it one of the most expensive plants in my yard, it is also part of a symetrical planting. The yew on the other side of the house looks just fine, even though it does not seem to have grown at all.

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