Monday, October 15, 2007

rescuing hydrangeas from the post office

I've been waiting for two hydrangeas I bought on ebay and was surprised they weren't delivered either Friday or Saturday. Yesterday I finally checked the tracking number and found they had *tried* to deliver them on Friday and had left a note. I never saw any slip, but this AM when I checked the mailbox again, I found it stuck up against the side.

Off to the post office... when I asked why they had not left the package on my porch as they have done before, they first said they don't do that when it is raining (it wasn't raining on Friday) and then that they had to have prior authorization to leave packages (never stopped them before). So, who knows...

I got both plants out, Parzifal looked just fine but Nightingale was definately worse for the wear, with crunch leaves and roots that felt sort of dry. I soaked Nightingale for about 2 hours then had my mom pot her up before she left for work. She is still all green, even though the existing leaves don't look so hot, I think she'll pull through. Both babies are now outside adjusting to life.

I had hoped my Park Seed order would come today, but no package and no slip, I looked all in my mailbox. Maybe tomorrow. I did have some wilty hydrangeas when I got home this evening, so it was a good thing I went out in the yard. Ami was wilty, which is the first time I've seen her look wilty and Fuji was drooping again. Fuji seems to need a lot of water lately, I think it might in part be due to all the really large leaves and the added wind. I watered all the hydrangeas just to be on the safe side.

Something has been getting into my raised bed and two of my potted hydrangeas. I don't think it is a dog, as whatever it is is also in the potted hydrangeas which are on the small side for a dog. I'm really leaning toward cat, especially as I've seen cats in my front yard and also in my neighbors' yards.

Speaking of pots, I found a nice 16" fiberglass pot at Home Depot today that I think should work well for the Romance hydrangea, if I ever get it from Park Seed.

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