Sunday, March 09, 2008

Tom blooms, plus frosted

Spent most of today going to Charlotte and back, but did get a quick turn around the yard this afternoon. Overnight the temps had dropped into the high 20s and we had frost this AM. It was cold! Looking out the kitchen window, I thought I saw a bloom on the furtherst right Tom camellia and when I got home, sure enough there was.

The euphorbia that I have temporarily planted in the whiskey barrel is just starting to bloom, it has a bunch of flower buds. My Mountain Fire pieris is also just barely beginning to bloom, though I think some of its buds were damaged either this summer or over the winter. I'm still not sure if the fatsia is okay or not. I don't think I'll know until the weather really starts to warm up. I hope this last frost didn't do any damaged to my hydrangeas that are starting to leaf out.

I took some pictures today but they were ALL out of focus.

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