Tuesday, January 22, 2008

still cold, plus yesterday outrage at our storage place

It was again very cold today, didn't get out of the 30s. The weather report had been calling for freezing rain and ice on the roads but luckily that did not materialize here. We did get rain off and on all day, so I still don't have to worry about watering my yard! Good news as it is way too cold to be out there dragging around my leaking no matter what I do hoses.

Yesterday we had the day off and did some running around. We tried AGAIN to take the lawn chairs over the storage and AGAIN the creepy old guy was sitting in his car by our space. I talked to the guy in the office who said the man was "harmless", "84 years old", "pretty amazing" and a "WW 2 veteran". So, it is okay for an 84 year old WW 2 veteran to loiter in his car all day beside closed up and locked storage spaces?? They jerk in the office also said that they guy had been renting almost as long as we have (12 years), though office jerk has only been there for 1 1/2 years. Funny that I've NEVER NEVER NEVER seen this guy at the storage place before this past month or so and now he seems to be there all day, every day... week days, weekends. And, funny that the only problems they've had at the storage place are a few break-ins... My guess is that the old guy is living out of his car and his storage space. I feel bad but there are places to go for help. And, I truly believe if it was a young latino or black male doing the same thing, they would be hauled off in the back of a patrol car.

That whole incident left me livid and my blood pressure surely through the roof. We drove over to another storage place who would give us the same rates and seem a lot better. I would have taken a day off to move this week, except that it would be a lot of work to move the storage space and would require renting a U-Haul and hiring someone to help me. That would cost a decent amount of money. I'm going to give it a week or so, then see if old dude is still at the storage place. If he still is, I might have to bite the bullet and move, as my storage space is currently unusable. Maybe I'll get my co-worker with the concealed carry permit to come with me next time I go there...

I stopped in a few furniture stores, still looking for an end table for the dining room. I didn't see anything I wanted but I did find a Haeger vase for $10 at a going out of business sale. It looks fantastic sitting on my mantle and is still made in the USA.

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