Thursday, January 17, 2008

turning to ice??

I am starting to hear sounds outside, that no longer sound like snow. I opened the side door and there is more wind and it no longer looks like snowflakes, though something is blowing in the wind. I think as predicted, the ice is hitting just after midnight. Still have power so far... as of 12:20 AM. I've set my cell phone as an alarm just in case. I'm VERY worried that if we do lose power we could be out for days as we are quite a ways off a main road. The heat is currently set at 72, but without power... I will leave it up high all night because I fear it may be all the heat we will have for days.

I just turned off my external hard drive and unplugged it so it won't be damaged. I can't sleep right now, but before I go to bed I will turn off and unplug my computer as well.

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