Thursday, January 17, 2008

gazebo crashed

This AM before work I thought I'd better go try to get the snow off the top of the gazebo before it crushed the gazebo. Well, as I was trying to get the snow off, the gazebo collapsed on me. The gazebo is now totally shot. We called the company that "made" them, but their manfacturer did not send them any replacement parts, just the whole gazebos. So, that is a total waste now. I am pretty upset for a number of reasons: 1) we never really used the gazebo that much so it was a waste of money in the first place, 2) we should have taken it down earlier this winter when the weather was nice, 3) I could have taken the top off the gazebo yesterday morning before work but didn't think of it, 4) I could have taken the top off last night even though it was cold and finally 5) trying to brush the snow off of it may have been what caused it to collapse (but based on the amount of snow it it, it was only a matter of time). I guess I would be MORE upset if we had used it a lot. Tomorrow we will take the yard furniture over to storage and I guess I'll try to haul the wreckage of the gazebo up to the curb.

In other news, I FINALLY got a paper shredder and can do something about the year+ of junk mail, statements, bills, etc that I have been saving to shred. I started working on the stack of opened items and still have plenty more still in their envelopes. Guess I have a hobby for the next few days or weeks!

The weather report is now calling for snow again on Saturday. As long as it is not an ice storm, does not taken out my power and does not kill my plants, I don't care. I'll get over losing the gazebo, but for the time being I'm pretty upset.

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