Sunday, January 20, 2008

gardening indoors

indoor gardenI write a lot about my outside yard/garden but don't write much about my indoor garden. I'm not a houseplant person, so all my plants indoors are trying to survive the winter so they can go back outside in the spring. I made cuttings of my two favorite coleus that I had only found one plant of each.

The first is my pink trailing coleus that made such a wonderful hanging basket on the front of the house last summer. I am growing out several cuttings I made in the fall, as well as a larger cutting I made at some point last summer. I'm going to need to work on making a few new cuttings and really pinching them back for fullness before I am ready to plant up a hanging basket, but I won't put those out until around the end of April, so I have time.
pink trailing coleus

The second was a purple almost ruffled coleus we found late in the year at Underwoods. It didn't look like much in its 4" pot, but they had planted it in a mixed container and it looked great. I brought it home, potted it up and it grew nicely. I brought the whole original pot indoors, along with two cuttings. This plant has really surprised me, as it was a dark purple outdoors, but indoors it has turned very green! I think all the new growth is coming in green, at least indoors. It will be interested to see what it does when I move it back outside in the spring.

purple coleus

I also have the spider plant Bobbie gave me, that is haning above the window, the Boston Fern from the front porch that doens't look so good and two kalinchoes which live on the dryer and are just starting to bloom. My mom brought a sick croton home from work for me to nurse back to health, it is putting out some new leaves, so hopefully it will make a comeback.

spider plant

I have two days off from work, but they are not predicting temps over the high 30s either day, so any outside work is out of the question. I'm trying to think of more indoor projects to keep me busy and hoping for temps in the 50s soon.

1 comment:

Gardening for Fun said...

I like your the purple coleus. I hope my garden centers will have a bigger selection of coleus this spring. I wish my spider plant produced more babies! Yours look wonderful.