Tuesday, January 15, 2008

stickers off the marble

Last night I was able to get the remaining stickers and residue off the marble topped table using eucalyptus oil. Not only did it work, it smelled nice as well! I'd still like to clean the entire top of the table. We placed it alongside the couch closest to the TV. We still have one of the old black floor lamps in the living room and I'd love to get another of the mica style lights from Target. Of course, that just adds to the list of things I want but cost money: another one of those lights for the dining room, a new ceiling light for both bedrooms, new hardware for the kitchen cabinets, etc etc, not to mention that I want to do more work in the yard.

Speaking of the yard... It is still cold, 27 as I write this, so I haven't gotten anything much done in the yard for a while. I'm off on Friday and I hope it will be warm enough finally get the leaves raked up in the front yard. I have some bulbs that I meant to plant, but between rain, cold and being sick, they still aren't in the ground. I may pot them up.

I also think I can make a seed starting set-up and put it in my room. I need to get serious about what I want to try to start from seed and order some seeds before it is too late. If I want to try to get plants out around the end of March like I did last year (as I grow in pots, I can bring them in if it gets too cold) I will need to start seeds around the end of this month.

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