Thursday, June 21, 2007

tomato update

Watered this AM and got a look at my plants. The big beautyberry had been looking wilty yesterday but a good watering seems to have perked it up. The small beautyberry is flowering now. I sprayed my big pieris with baking soda yesterday as it had a sort of fluffy white fungi or something on it. Also hit the verbena at the front of the perennial bed. Think they have powdery mildew, hopefully I won't lose any.

I also sprayed all the tomatoes yesterday. Tom has some more leaves that look like they need to go, but he also has some new blooms and a bunch of unripe tomatos, so all hope is not lost The surprise of the day was seeing that all 3 of my new tomato plants have tomatoes! Hopefully I can keep the plants healthy and reap a harvest. I have Roma, Bush Goliath and Better Bush. I also have cilantro growing and peppers ripening, so I need some tomatoes to make salsa.

I am going to have to cut my one pot of basil back quite a ways as it is trying to flower again. I think I am going to make some pesto and maybe even... gasp... give some away!

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