Friday, June 29, 2007

indoor work

Today I finally did some work indoors, of course not before doing a little work outdoors! I broke down and bought a string trimmer at Wal-Mart and ended up putting it on my credit card. I was loathe to do both, but as I still can't afford a lawn mower, there has been no progress on getting Bobbie's old lawn mower working, transporting a lawn mower to my house from Bobbie's is a REAL pain and the grass or at least weeds keep growing I had to do something. I ended up getting a $35 Weed Eater that is supposed to edge as well. I used it to cut the whole front yard and it did pretty well.

It was around 90 today and just terrible to work in outside, so after cutting the front yard, I decided I needed to work indoors. I got out my trusty drill (kind of a pretty teal color too) and set to work drilling holes for the screws in my window frame. It was not hard at all to drill and the difference between trying to get the screws to go in with and without the pre-drilled holes... well... working by myself I was able to get the other shade up in about 1/2 hour.

We had purchased 3 additional shades for the dining room, but my mom decided against them as she thought it would make it too dark. It is darker in the living room with the second shade up, but I'm hoping it will also be cooler (and we need to get another lightbulb for the light). I had bought the shades quite a while ago so I wasn't sure if I could return them, so I just took one back to Home Depot. I was able to return it for store credit, which I then used to buy a 4" wire shelf for the laundry room and all the things it needs to be mounted on the wall. I also got some new shower hooks as the old ones are impossible to open so you can take the shower curtain down.

I am hoping that we can install the new shelf either tomorrow or this weekend. We are still waiting on the promised rain. When I was out getting the shelf, it looked like rain, but so far nothing...

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