Thursday, March 22, 2007


Yesterday I went to check on the Chinese lantern seeds I had started, convinced it would be a total failure and instead was in for quite a surprise when I saw that I have little seedings. So far, 9 of the 12 little pot things has at least one seedling in it. I know I need to let them grow a little more and then thin to one seedling per little pod. And to think I just too the "Success with Seeds" book back to the library because I was feeling that I most definately was not having success with seeds! At least this has made me somewhat hopeful that I will be able to get my seed-based herb garden up and running in about a month (we are just less than a month from our frost free date).

My irises are already beginning to fade, but a couple of the late bloomers are still blooming. The crocuses are still going, though I probably only got less than 50% of the bulbs I planted coming up. The garbage men also put the garbage can down on some of the crocuses this morning...

My ornamental pear or whatever tree is also currently blooming.

My yoga teachers want to have a house-warming satsang at my house, which would be great if the carpet wasn't a mess, between my dogs and all the stuff that came up later. I will have to have the carpets cleaned the AM of the satsang!!

I am switching what I am planning to do in the front foundation bed. Instead of edging with mondo grass, which I am afraid will grow into the lawn, I'm going to edge with lirope. Bobbie has some lirope I can dig up.

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