Wednesday, March 14, 2007

More blooms!

Today as I was leaving for the vet, my mom pointed out that I had purple things by the mailbox. My irises, which have been coming up for a bit are now blooming. I kind of expected that their stalks would be longer, but who knows, maybe I planted the bulbs too deep or maybe that is just how they look. I also have a few more crocus up as well.

The panies are just going to town right now. I can't believe how many are opening. And, I might have tulips soon. I have two tulip buds in one pot and I think they will probably open soon. The apparent tulip in the foundation bed is still growing, as are the mystery bulbs in the foundation bed and yard. I also have one muscari that is just starting to open in another pot (that must be where the black tulips are). I also think I have some hyacinths coming up in another pot. Hopefully I have more spring bulbs to come!

I finally got some pictures of my yard this morning. Due to the vet visit, I didn't get any work done. Three of the Julie Mross hostas I planted and the one Elegens I planted in a pot have all started to green up. One of the Elegens in the ground also has a little green on it. Unfortunately, one Elegens that did have a little green on it now has totally wilted down and all the others look like there are no signs of life. I will just have to wait and see, but I am starting to think I will not get a great result from the bare root hostas. Don't know what the problem was, if they were planted too high up, had already started to grow too much in the package, got planted too early and were damaged by the cold. Don't know.
A quick tour of the yard before I left for work revealed some additional plants now in bloom. My small Pieris (Valley Rose) is just starting to bloom. It is also blooming white, though I had thought it would bloom pink. Oh well, it still is pretty and different from my other Pieris, as it has a more weeping shape. The scilla I planted by the side of the house in mostly shade have also begun to bloom. And, a big surprise is that one of the ajuga in the foundation bed has just started to bloom and the others appear to have buds. The one plant that it seems SHOULD be blooming that isn't is my hellabore and I didn't even see anything that looks like buds on it. On a bad note, the chickweed is also bloom, as are dandelions and a few other weeds.

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