Saturday, March 17, 2007

burr.... and weeding

After spring weather all week (in the 70s) we had a sudden cold snap just in time for the weekend, with lows in the low 30s and highs only in the 50s. Today it was also pretty windy. So, last night I went out and covered all the other hostas with fresh pine needles, and brought in the little potted Elegens hosta, the hanging basket of million bells, the fern and the pot with the licorice plant (since it was finally starting to look better after being crumped by the snow back in January).

It was pretty windy and felt pretty cold today, but I did spend about 4 hours this afternoon weeding my foundation beds. Especially the side with the ajuga REALLY needed some help as I was getting tons of clover. I also went around and cut down all the wild onions I could find growing in my lawn. My lawn doesn't quite need to be mowed yet and since I don't have a lawnmower or a gate into my backyard... I figured this would neater it up a little bit and put off any need to mow for at least a while longer. Plus, it helps the irises and crocuses show up better. I have more crocuses blooming now, including more purples and even a white now.

When I was weeding the foundation bed, I found foilage that I think must be the chinadoxa that I planted starting to come up. So, I may have some more blooms in that bed sometime. I am wondering if the mystery tulip in that bed will bloom.

I am hoping to possibly get the yews planted tomorrow. We will see...

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