Saturday, December 16, 2006

foundation planting pt 2

Did some more work on the foundation planting, now that I have the big holly for the corner planted. I also realized that the remaining small holly I got at Thanksgiving was about to die due to the fact that I tend to forget about it and not water it. So, I stuck it in the ground next to the nandina and watered it heavily and we will see how it does.

After doing the planting in the morning, I went to Underwoods to see if I could find any more of the cabbages like the one on my porch, but they didn't have any more. They did have some cute herb gardens and apparently there are more herbs than just rosemary that will make it through our winters. I was also looking for another plant to finish off the side part of my foundation planting. I had been thinking about a camellia, but I think the area actually has too much sun. As I was about to leave, I saw the guy who usually helps me and we discussed my garden plans. He thinks I will probably need to plant either another holly or another nandina in the side foundation area, due to all the hollies already there. Hum... He also did up a really nice sketch of a perennial bed along the back of my house. I will need to dig in clay buster and cow manure and then I will be ready for spring.

I added 5 bags of mulch to the front, to take the mulch bed around the side around the large holly and I also mulched around the small holly and finally got my forsythia mulched as well.

After finishing the mulching, it was off to the back yard to do some weeding in my future bedding areas. I started off weeding the area next to the side steps, planning right now to put some hostas and probably impatiens there. Then it was off to the side and back of the house. I got about 1/2 of the future perennial bed weeded. From there I went over and weeded the shade garden area where I plan to put in blue hostas and painted ferns. Once I was done weeding, I put down pine needles. I now have only 1 bale of pine needles left. I still need to weed the rest of the perennial bed area and also the area around the light pole along the fenceline that I think I may just use as an experimental annual bed.

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