Tuesday, November 14, 2006

tried to paint the bathroom

I decided pretty late this evening that I wanted to try to paint the bathroom today. I had bought another one of these little painting edger pads that had worked well when we used them in other rooms. I thought it would be just the thing and that I could get the bathroom done in a very short amount of time.

Well, the little painting pad kept coming apart when I tried to use it, and also seemed to be pulling the paint off the wall where I had just painted. Add to that, getting paint on the bathtub, and I soon decieded hte edging pad was not going to cut it. Ended up finishing out the rest of the paint that I had poured out with a 2" brush. With the shape of the tub surround area and also the cabinet that is hanging on the wall, getting to all the parts of the wall proved to be more difficult that I had initially expected. I got some parts of several walls painted, but there is still plenty more work to do. Then I definately do want to paint the ceiling and also all the woodwork and the wainscotting, as the trim in some areas is looking pretty dirty.

Of course, maybe someday I will get the rest of the touchups done in my bedroom and as soon as we get some of the empty boxes moved out of the laundry room maybe I can FINALLY work on painting the woodwork there. I am VERY glad we chose not to start painting the kitchen yet, as it is nice to have a few rooms that aren't full of additional painting that needs to be done. Sometimes I find it hard to believe that we spent around 3 weeks painting before we ever moved in and we still seem to have so much more to do. I don't even want to think about the one outside window I stripped. Currently the mullions on one front window are white (not stripped) and the other black (stripped). I need to just prime both and paint them both green.

Then there is the window in the laundry room, which I think really needs some additional glazing put on it. I should just buy some of the Dab stuff or whatever and shove in the the empty looking spaces for right now. Not ideal, but hopefully it will keep the glass from falling out.

I did talk to Frankie at work today and Derek can come install my light and blinds anytime, which would be great, except now I have to wait until I can come up with some money to pay Derek...

I unfortunately seem to have reached the stage where I still have lots to do, just no money to do it with. And of course, I still have more stuff to plant, including bulbs, which I tend to forget about and soon it will be too late to plant the spring flowering ones.

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