Thursday, November 16, 2006

Not much work getting done

Yesterday it rained all day, so I did not have a chance to do any gardening before work. Today we were again having a little rain and a lot of wind. I did get a chance to bag up a few leaves (few of the MANY leaves there are) while the dogs were out in the yard.

Tomorrrow mom is off work and plans to try to finish painting the bathroom. Then I have the whole weekend off and will try to finish getting the last few plants in the ground. I still have to make a decision on where to plant the abelia and I found out that hellabores are poisonous so I need to put in the front or side yard, not the back yard. I am just going to have to finally dump the hydrangea in the ground back by the camellias I guess. At least I know where the forsythia goes. The other decent note is that the abelia is the one one in a really big pot and it isn't as bad as some of the others, so it should be a doable task. I do still want to get another ajuja for the front yard now that I have pulled out all the clover and I also need to get to planting bulbs!

I brought home a book on shade gardening today to try to get some ideas for the far end of the back yard.

I do still want to add one more shrub along the fence line with Norman, after the dogs fence fighting. And, since I want to block that access, it needs to be something pretty good sized. I may try to run over the JFS on Saturday or else maybe in the next few weeks. Or else, it will probably be best to wait until spring I guess??

I have 3 days off for Thanksgiving, so I am thinking if we can get the bathroom painted this weekend and get some of the boxes moved out to storage, we *might* be able to work on painting the kitchen over the Thanksgiving holiday. Hum... need to see where we this coming Monday.

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