Monday, November 20, 2006


The forcasted snow did not arrive but the gas bill did. I've been worried about how much the gas would be as the estimate they had given me had been around $200/month. YIKES! The bill today was $99 and that was only through November 8th. That was really only about 2 weeks of us living in the apartment full time and there were some 70+ days in there. Now it is starting to get cold. To top it all off, I came home and found the thermostat set at 74. I had already decreed that we should never have it above 72 except in emergencies. Now I am going to change my plan, 65 when we are not home or sleeping and a MAX of 70 the rest of the time. I'm going to look into electric lap blankets and we can drink more hot cocoa and tea.

It is currently 70 in the house and the gas is not on. I turned in down to 65 while I was at the gym and the heat came on for a few minutes to get it back up to 70 once I upped it when I got home. Hopefully this plan will prevent the dreaded $400 gas bill. I'm afraid I might be stuck with a $200 one a few months as we just can't live in a house that is 65, we are both too cold natured. We could barely swing it but we sure won't be doing much around the house with those kind of gas bills, that will have to wait until it is warmer.

It is supposed to get down to 32 tonight. I am hoping that maybe this winter I will be able to scrape together enough money to get the attic insulated. I would HOPE that insulation would keep the house warmer and cut down on the gas bill, and maybe cut down on the electric bill for the AC in the summer too.

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