Thursday, February 21, 2008

more hellebore blooms and more rain

I have been sick again this week, so no work on anything, not even any photos. The hellebore really has a lot of blooms on it now and looks very nice. I am hoping I'll be able to get a few good pictures before the blooms begin to fade.

We got over 1" of rain earlier this week and some more rain tonight. We are supposed to get even more rain over the weekend, which is good for the plants but bad for any yard work.

My daffodils continue to come up more and I have a few other mystery bulbs that are coming up. The crocuses seem to be done, it was a very short time for them. I will have to plant more this fall since so few seem to have come back from last year. The paperwhites under the tree never bloomed this year, don't know if a frost got them or what. I think I will plant some daffodils in that area next fall as well.

I guess I am not going to start any seeds this year. It is already just about a month until when I put out transplants in pots last year, so I guess I will be buying all my veggies as transplants this year. I want to get a few more big pots to use for growing tomatos and try a few more varieties this year.

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