Sunday, February 25, 2007

I attempt to start seeds

Today we had rain all day as predicted, so no yard work.

I did replace the doorknob on mom's room, organize the purses and shoes in my closets and go through 3 large bags of shoes that had been on the floor. I tossed some shoes and decided to give a few other pairs to Goodwill. Now, what I really need are some plastic shoe boxes to store these shoes in my long closet, as there is room for shoe boxes. This will also work well for off season shoes.

I also finally got around to putting all my CDs on the CD racks and hooking up my CD player. My room is looking pretty good right now, no boxes or bags on the floor except a few bags of computer related things under the computer desk. Now I just need a computer that works in my room...

This evening I decided it was finally time to attempt to start the Chinese Lantern seeds. Of course, the seeds are tiny (relatively, a little smaller than sesame seeds). Actually getting the little pots set up was not a problem, but trying first to add the tiny seeds to the little pots and then get them covered with peat was a bit more challenging. Right now the little "greenhouse" is on top of the microwave, as they just need to be warm in this phase, not have light. Unfortunately, the greenhouse directions did not include any information about watering. I can figure that I should not allow the little pots to dry out. I'll have to check books for more info on seed starting.

If all goes well, the seeds should germinate in 20-25 days. Our frost free date is around April 15th, so by then my seedlings should be a month old if I get anything to grow. I figure one will be great, two will be exciting, three will be unbelievable and any more than that will actually probably be more than I need and would be great to share with friends.

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