Sunday, October 21, 2007

new watering wand

I watered the yard today with my new watering wand, which is an improvement over the old one was far as leaking is concerned, though I am still getting some leaking where the quick connect screws into the watering wand. I wonder if a washer would help.

My old hose that is attached to the hosemobile in the back yard is beyond leaking. I actually pretty much had a sprinkler set up in my yard. I need to replace that hose, but seem to always manage to forget about it when I am at Lowes or Home Depot.

All my plants are looking pretty good, Fuji was drooping again today, which is no surprise, but perked back up after I watered it. When I was looking at it after watering, I was moving the branches around and there is one small branch, which is partially covered with mulch that seemed stuck to the ground. So, I may have accidentally layed it! I'll check back on it in the spring and if that piece is rooted, I may keep that for myself to start growing another Fuji for the other corner. Part of me says get another big Fuji from Underwoods when it is time to plant that area, as then the plants will be closer to the same size, but on the other hand it would be cheaper and more fun to say that I grew the other plant myself from a cutting off the first plant.

The Generale's new leaves are getting bigger and he is looking good. We have had no incidences of drooping since he was planted. I am also getting new leaves opening on one of the variegatas. While all this growth is nice, it is also at totally the wrong time of the year. Still no temps even in the low 40s predicted, but sooner or later we are going to get a frost. Would be nice if we started to get some rain as well.

We are currently between the top and 2nd level of drought. So far no watering restrictions, but Atlanta wants water from SC as they may or may not only have a 90 day supply left. Yikes! I remember water restrictions from CA as a child, hope we don't get that here, but it is better than running out of water.

I do need to do something about the pots on the front porch. Many of the annuals in the big ceramic pots are just looking tired. I think it is time to get rid of them, plants some pansies in plastic pots and move toward my scaled back fall/winter porch plantings.

The hollies are doing well, especially since I have skipped watering them several times on watering day. The big holly is starting to fill in just a bit, even though it is still a lighter color. When I was watering the abelia today I was thinking that as I work up the border more along the side yard, I may end up moving th abelia. I'm not sure. If I do, I contemplated putting a crepe myrtle in its place, but I think that might be too big for the area. I could always put in a knock out rose or maybe just fill in the hole and plant grass over it.

No major yard work today as we are off to Asheville to go get a shirt that I saw at Dillards last night. The one they had in my size was dirty, so off to Asheville to get it and we will also go to Laughing Seed for lunch. Yum.

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