Tuesday, May 13, 2008

hung up the rest of the porch baskets

I got up early this morning so that I could water and avoid the wilting tomatoes I came home to yesterday. I got the potted back yard plants watered and then swung around to the front. My big basket on the shepherd's crook was looking horrid, but seems to have perked up this evening.

After all the watering was done, I still had plenty of time, so I was able to pot up the other three hanging porch baskets and get them hung up. I also repotted, yet again, the one 'Ponderosa' tomato seedling that I'm trying to nurse along for myself. It had finally been doing well, then all the wind of the last two days really bent its stem. I'm hoping that this latest REALLY deep repotting into a trade gallon pot will do the trick.

I also had time to pot up the spider plant cutting that I had been rooting, so I was able to take that to work with me for one of my co-workers. Now that warmer weather is here, I need to ramp up my coleus production, so taking some cuttings will be on the to do list for tomorrow.

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